The Graduate Economics Association (GEA) advocates on behalf of and organizes activities for PhD students in the Rice Department of Economics. The 2015-2016 academic year is the inaugural year of the association and we look forward to fomenting increased social interaction within the department. We also plan to have a little fun now and again. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns we could help with, or if you have any ideas on how to improve our activities.
Your Representatives:
- Stan Kannegieter (1st Year) email:
- Johnny Coudsi (2nd Year) email:
- Jintao Sun (3rd Year) email:
- Mingzi Niu (4th Year) email:
- Yu-Kuan Chen (Upper Year) email:
Read more about GEA election procedures here
- Orientation Activities for incoming first-years center around a meet and greet at Valhalla, the premier graduate bar on campus, where you meet other graduate students, find some advice on surviving your first year, and learn why Valhalla is the premier graduate bar on campus.
- Department Coffee Hours occur towards the end of every month as an opportunity for faculty and students to meet during regular hours but in an informal setting to discuss research, department news, the weather, etc.
- Department Happy Hours are a mid-month Friday break that are held right outside Baker Hall as a way for faculty and students to get to know each other in a relaxed setting.
- The Economics Dinner and Trivia Night is held annually as a night of good food and drinks to socialize and reflect on the academic year. A night of GEA-sponsored trivia follows that is sure to mention a Nobel prize economist or two.
- The Economics Welcome Dinner is held annually toward the beginning of the Fall semester and provides good food, some fun and games, and, most importantly, a chance for new students and faculty to meet existing members of the department and for everyone to catch up from over the summer.
Pictures from Recent Events:
1st Year Welcome: A mix of graduate students mingling at Valhalla on the Rice Campus during the second week of class.
1st Year Welcome: A hands-on discussion of the optimal risk/reward strategy profile in a game of cornhole.
Department Happy Hour: The department happy hour typically occurs right outside the Baker Hall Building on a Friday afternoon.
Department Happy Hour: The department has around 40 PhD students and over 20 full-time faculty. Many of the latter are all too happy to reminisce about when they were the former.
Department Coffee Hour: The third Thursday every month, the coffee hour is a place to discuss anything from the problem you've been working on all morning to your weekend plans.