Degree Requirements (2010-2014) for a Major in Economics

To earn a B.A. degree in Economics, students must present a minimum of 12 courses with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0. When students repeat courses or complete more than the minimum required number of courses, the departmental GPA will be based on the set of courses that (1) satisfies all requirements for the degree and (2) results in the highest GPA for the student. However, when a course is taken at both Rice and another institution, the grade in the Rice course will be used for departmental GPA calculations.

The 12 courses presented for the major in economics must include the following:

(1) 2 courses in mathematics and statistics:

  • MATH 101 Single Variable Calculus I or the combination of MATH 111 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and MATH 112 Calculus and Its Applications
  • STAT 280 Elementary Applied Statistics or ECON 307*/STAT310 Probability and Statistics

*Note that ECON 307 may count towards either the requirements listed in (1) or (3) but not both.

(2) 4 core courses in economics and econometrics:

  • ECON 100 Principles of Economics (formerly ECON 201)
  • ECON 200 Microeconomics (formerly ECON 301)
  • ECON 203 Macroeconomics (formerly ECON 303)
  • ECON 209 Applied Econometrics or ECON 310 Econometrics (formerly ECON 309 and ECON 409)

(3) 6 ECON major electives, including at least 3 400-level ECON electives (or an approved alternative).

Transfer Credit

Transfer credit may be awarded in some cases for courses completed at other schools after the student has matriculated at Rice. Students may present a maximum of 3 such transfer courses in fulfilling their major requirements. Additional transfer courses may count toward meeting university graduation requirements, but not toward fulfillment of the requirements for the ECON or MTEC majors. Credits awarded to transfer students for courses taken prior to matriculation at Rice do not count against the three-course limit on transfer courses, but all students must complete more than half of their upper-level major work (300-level and 400-level courses) at Rice. Transfer credit for ECON 201 will not be awarded for courses taken during high school or online courses. For additional information on transfer credits, please consult Procedures for Transfer Credit.