Alejandro Degwitz
Q: What attracted you to the MEECON program?

A: What attracted me to this program was its very interesting and unique curriculum focused specifically on the energy sector, as well as the fact that it was offered in the prestigious Rice University and taught by renowned professors from the Baker Institute of Energy Studies. As a person looking for exciting opportunities in the energy sector, I was confident that choosing this program would be a great choice for my future career development.

Q: What was your career like prior to the program?

A: Prior to the program, I was working as a Planning Specialist for an international oil company in my home country. Even though the role was challenging, after several years working there I felt it was time for a change, so I started making plans to pursue my dream of becoming a consultant or an investment banker in the energy sector. I believed that a master’s program such as MEECON would be the perfect bridge to achieve this goal.

Q: Where are you now in your working life and what do you do?

A: I am currently a Senior Consultant in a renowned energy consulting firm. My role is mostly focused in the oil & gas downstream and midstream sectors. I joined the company in summer 2019 as an intern and was offered a full-time position afterwards. Since joining the company, I have had the opportunity to work in really exciting projects such due diligences, market studies, financial strategies, market entry and exit strategies and performance improvement options.

Q: What was the highlight/most memorable moment of your experience in the MEECON program?

A: The most memorable moment of my experience in the program was when Dr. Hartley announced in the RISE Ceremony that I had won the Byron Pope Award for outstanding performance.

Q: What was your favorite class in the MEECON program?

A: My favorite class in the program was Political Economy of Oil with Dr. Monaldi. It was a very dynamic class, with a lot of interesting reading material and classroom discussions. We were given case studies prior to each class and the idea was that everyone came up with an opinion regarding the specific topic being discussed, which made the class really enriching. I personally enjoyed it very much and learned a lot from Dr. Monaldi’ s expertise in the subject.

Q: What would you say to someone who is considering leaving their job for about one year to pursue a professional master's program?

A: I would say it is definitely worth considering it. I believe that a master’s program is a good investment on yourself, since it gives you expertise on a particular field, it opens interesting career opportunities and it connects you with very talented professionals, apart from being a really rewarding and enjoyable experience.